Thursday, November 6, 2014

Perceptions and Computer Science

I believe that perceptions built up across a lifetime are a major factor in dissuading or encouraging women to join computer science. While the industry was still new, Women had fewer ingrained impressions of it, and were more likely to jump on board. As time passed, however, women who might have otherwise enjoyed the field had come to associate it with certain stereotypes, and were dissuaded from joining. My dad is a computer scientist, so I grew up in an environment that encouraged me to learn programming. I was able to look past the stereotypes and just learn the material. I had no intention of majoring in computer science when I started college, but because I was familiar with it, I was open to trying it. If we want more women in computer science, we should introduce them to the field, not the stereotypes, at a young age.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that perceptions are likely a very important factor for many women in their decision of whether to join the CS major. I have a little sister who is coming home from her mission soon, and wrote to me about what I thought of the CS major. I wrote to her about how if she joins the major, she will have to work to break certain stereotypes and impressions that others have of women in the major. Hopefully she'll decide to stick with it and help be an influence in encouraging others to join, as well.
